- airfoil profile camber
- кривизна аэродинамического профиля
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
NACA airfoil — Profile geometry – 1: Zero lift line; 2: Leading edge; 3: Nose circle; 4: Camber; 5: Max. thickness; 6: Upper surface; 7: Trailing edge; 8: Camber mean line; 9: Lower surface … Wikipedia
NACA-Profile — Geometrie eines Profils – 1: Nullauftriebslinie (zero lift line); 2: Flügelnase (leading edge); 3: Krümmungsradius der Flügelnase (nose circle); 4: Wölbung (camber); 5: maximale Profildicke (max. thickness); 6: obere Profilseite (upper surface);… … Deutsch Wikipedia
относительный прогиб профиля пера — относительный прогиб профиля Ндп. относительная стрела прогиба пера Отношение прогиба профиля пера к длине профиля пера. [ГОСТ 23537 79] Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые относительная стрела прогиба пера Тематики авиационные компрессоры и трубины… … Справочник технического переводчика
прогиб профиля пера — прогиб профиля f Ндп. стрела прогиба пера Расстояние по перпендикуляру между касательной к профилям входной и выходной кромок пера со стороны корыта пера и касательной к средней линии, профиля пера параллельной первой касательной. [ГОСТ 23537 79] … Справочник технического переводчика
NACA-Profil — Geometrie eines Profils – 1: Nullauftriebslinie (zero lift line); 2: Flügelnase (leading edge); 3: Krümmungsradius der Flügelnase (nose circle); 4: Skelettlinie (camber); 5: maximale Profildicke (max. thickness); 6: obere Profilseite (upper… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paper plane — This article is about toy aircraft fashioned from paper. For other uses, see Paper plane (disambiguation). Instructions for a traditional paper plane. A paper plane, paper aeroplane (UK), paper airplane (US), paper glider, paper dart or dart is a … Wikipedia
Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… … Wikipedia
Clark Y — is the name of a particular aerofoil profile, widely used in general purpose aircraft designs, and much studied in aerodynamics over the years. The profile was designed in 1922 by Virginius E. Clark. The airfoil has a thickness of 11.7 percent… … Wikipedia
Stall (flight) — For other uses, see stall. In fluid dynamics, a stall is a reduction in the lift coefficient generated by a foil as angle of attack increases. This occurs when the critical angle of attack of the foil is exceeded. The critical angle of attack is… … Wikipedia
Wind turbine design — An example of a wind turbine, this 3 bladed turbine is the classic design of modern wind turbines Wind turbines History Design … Wikipedia
Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow — CF 105 Arrow Photo from the Canadian Department of National Defence Role Interceptor … Wikipedia